Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Apparently We've Been Busy

Yo B&BS pals - if there are any left that is - guess we've been busy since it's been seven months since we've reported any shenanigans.  Here's a brief update on our combined activities.  You can decide who's doing what and one of these days we'll get it back together and try and get this blogging thing going again.

Life's happenings for CC & KW - things we've done / encountered / etc.

Went to the Beach - had a cookout - got a new job - got a new house - traveled to Cali - traveled to NC, twice - went to NH, went to MA, drove through PA, NY, went to VA, MD, VT - drove - posted stuff on facebook - had relatives visit - had friends visit - drove - visited relatives - visited friends - ate lots of yummy food - fought mysterious unwanted illnesses - ate not so great food - drove - DIY on the house - wrote reports - made graphs - wrote papers - drove - got into graduate school - planted flora & fauna - discovered deceased things in the yard - met the neighbors - mowed - drove - went to concerts - went to plays - went to shows - drove - saw fireworks - did laundry - had semi-famous people stay over - mailed bills - mailed letters - cleaned the house - drove - went shopping - picked up dry cleaning - bought random things that were and were not necessary - drove - talked on the phone - texted - got lost - registered for classes - drove - visited each others houses - got caught in the rain - slipped on ice - went to the dentist - went to the doctor - hung out with friends - drove - hung out with family - made plans to move - moved - working on renting or selling the house - had ice cream - watched movies - watched a little tv - played with the Wii - joked around - giggle - sneezed - drove - saw beautiful wonderful things - flew on planes - rode on trains - took the bus - drove the car.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The BIG Game Weekend

To celebrate the last weekend before the start of the semester, Carrie traveled to Maine to have a fun-filled weekend with Kristina. 

Here's the breakdown...

Fun Friday: Carrie arrived to a snowy Maine where she was able to view a beautiful sky and the pyramids of western Maine from the comfort of Kristina's chichin.

We then talked about important things at "seminar" with KBW's friends Ashley, Chris, Kristen, Tom, Drew, Sarah, and Stephanie.  We had cool drinks and a nice snack and headed home for enchiladas and a Skype date with Gretchen and Ruth who are in Paro, Bhutan.  We learned about Ginger cookies, the meat market (where there are piles and piles of meat), hats from Assam, India and the difference between where they are and North America.  We then settled into part I of the Yahtzee tournament.

Super Saturday: We began our day with Carrie noticing a new DIY project for KBW.  What started with the simple phrase "Did you know your medicine cabinet is a little lean-y ended with this:
Don't worry b&b fans it's under control!

With screw measurements in KBWs pocket, we headed to Daisy's for a lovely breakfast of popovers, fruit, omelets, and all you can drink coffee and tea.  We were entertained with animals chasing each other and watching high schoolers have a floppy wrist fight while trying to avoid a case of caffeine psychosis.  The seven year old was smart and played legos by himself in another room.

FINALLY after 7 years of waiting KBW finally took Carrie to the elusive town of:

WATERVILLE!  While here we took in the movie The Descendents and while shopping for dinner afterwards couldn't quite figure out what the big deal is with that movie except that Clooney cries [oops spoiler alert].  We then came back to Farmington and made a chicken dinner and prepared to go back to Daisy's for part 2 of the Yahtzee tournament where we learned that probability theory doesn't help you win at all.  Clearly this is why KBW excelled at the tournament.  Good thing Carrie got her groove on and was able to manage to win one round -- although this did happen the time that she started keeping score.

Snoozy Sunday: After recovering from Saturday -- meaning we slept in past 8am -- we celebrated by having pancake Sunday.
Once we got our carbs on we decided to round out the game weekend with some ladderball. [Don't try this in your own home -- it really should be played outside -- but it's cold in Maine and our moms weren't here to tell us "don't play ball in the house!".]  If you aren't familiar with the game you toss these balls at the frame from about 15 feet away -- we had just enough room from the living room to the chi-chin.  Once again KBW won -- she's fulfilling her horoscope that said she would have a good year.

Sometime during the weekend, we won't tell you when, we played a game with cherry stems from our drinks.  Guess which of the b&b team could do this:

Yep there's a knot in the stem and you can't use your hands!

Until the next adventure, all we can we say is -- we've got balls!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

KBW's Heterosexual New Year :)

A couple of years ago Carrie traveled to Maine to celebrate the new year with Kristina and her lesbian friends.  This became known as Carrie's Lesbian New Year.  So in keeping with our tradition of celebrating the new year together, Kristina came to Boston for a 'low key' new year celebration.

The beginning plan: eat bad food while watching some cable TV and playing games

What it morphed into -- dinner party for 4 and a rousing game of Mall Madness and what will now be known as KRISTINA'S HETEROSEXUAL NEW YEAR!!!!!!

After doing some late day grocery shopping we mixed up some cosmos and began making dinner.  Apparently you shouldn't do this if you are planning to made risotto for dinner or someone will lose track of what she is doing and dump the entire 2 pound bag of rice into the pan instead of the 1 cup that was needed.  Needless to say that dish was an epic fail -- good thing we had appetizers, steak, candied carrots and cupcakes!

During the evening with Ted (Carrie's cousin) and Sarah (our awesome friend who resembles Wonder Woman) Kristina kept track of her favorite quotes on this index card:

Here's the translation:
1. [Carrie to Kristina] Be careful, you don't want to wack your nuts!
2. [Ted] No one is going to beat Ted Kamas at Mall Madness!  ...{Carrie won}
3. [Sarah to Ted] That's not an elevator that's a fountain.  It's cute you went swimming in it. [Ted] Where the hell's the fuckin' fashion boutique?!
4. [Sarah] If you were a superhero what you would superpower be? [Kristina] Ummmm  [Carrie] Invisibility  [Kristina] Ummm I think I would choose the power to make everyone in the world do the right thing [Carrie] Huh? I thought you would have picked the greatest superpower of all.... [Kristina] What's that? [Carrie] Heterosexuality!  [Ted shouts woo-hoo and throws his arms in the air] ...[Carrie] The power, the paradox and the promise!
5. [recovery day] While watching the Big Bang Theory [Kristina] We're smart like this.  [Carrie] No we're not.

Here are some picture highlights from the evening...

Attention Mall shoppers.....


Party on!

Oh two final highlights of the weekend -- we decided to call Friday free furniture Friday in honor of the 2 tables that we reallocated to ourselves from the side of the road.  And we learned about the honey badger -- click the link to learn more.

Happy 2012 y'all!