Sunday, January 1, 2012

KBW's Heterosexual New Year :)

A couple of years ago Carrie traveled to Maine to celebrate the new year with Kristina and her lesbian friends.  This became known as Carrie's Lesbian New Year.  So in keeping with our tradition of celebrating the new year together, Kristina came to Boston for a 'low key' new year celebration.

The beginning plan: eat bad food while watching some cable TV and playing games

What it morphed into -- dinner party for 4 and a rousing game of Mall Madness and what will now be known as KRISTINA'S HETEROSEXUAL NEW YEAR!!!!!!

After doing some late day grocery shopping we mixed up some cosmos and began making dinner.  Apparently you shouldn't do this if you are planning to made risotto for dinner or someone will lose track of what she is doing and dump the entire 2 pound bag of rice into the pan instead of the 1 cup that was needed.  Needless to say that dish was an epic fail -- good thing we had appetizers, steak, candied carrots and cupcakes!

During the evening with Ted (Carrie's cousin) and Sarah (our awesome friend who resembles Wonder Woman) Kristina kept track of her favorite quotes on this index card:

Here's the translation:
1. [Carrie to Kristina] Be careful, you don't want to wack your nuts!
2. [Ted] No one is going to beat Ted Kamas at Mall Madness!  ...{Carrie won}
3. [Sarah to Ted] That's not an elevator that's a fountain.  It's cute you went swimming in it. [Ted] Where the hell's the fuckin' fashion boutique?!
4. [Sarah] If you were a superhero what you would superpower be? [Kristina] Ummmm  [Carrie] Invisibility  [Kristina] Ummm I think I would choose the power to make everyone in the world do the right thing [Carrie] Huh? I thought you would have picked the greatest superpower of all.... [Kristina] What's that? [Carrie] Heterosexuality!  [Ted shouts woo-hoo and throws his arms in the air] ...[Carrie] The power, the paradox and the promise!
5. [recovery day] While watching the Big Bang Theory [Kristina] We're smart like this.  [Carrie] No we're not.

Here are some picture highlights from the evening...

Attention Mall shoppers.....


Party on!

Oh two final highlights of the weekend -- we decided to call Friday free furniture Friday in honor of the 2 tables that we reallocated to ourselves from the side of the road.  And we learned about the honey badger -- click the link to learn more.

Happy 2012 y'all!

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